As part of the evaluation of the Nottinghamshire Frailty & Supported Self-Care Toolkit and Training programme, participants of whole-day multi-agency events are asked to complete a pre-event questionnaire and a 3-month follow up survey. The results are analysed and used to understand how the training is being applied and what impact it has had on the understanding and confidence of delegates in supporting older people living with frailty. The report below summarises the 3-month follow up evaluation for the cohort that attended the 19th April event at Nottingham Racecourse and the 18th May event at Oakham Suite, Mansfield. It also includes a comparison with the previous two cohorts (October 2015 and January / February 2016).
A response rate of 48% was achieved which was the highest of the three cohorts to date – thanks to all those that completed the follow-up survey.
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